Vin Diesel Reportedly Forced Justin Lin Out Of Fast X

Lin is the director behind some of the franchise’s best hits, starting with 2006’s The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift as well as each subsequent installment since save for 2015’s Furious 7 and 2017’s The Fate of the Furious. After directing last year’s F9, Lin was set to helm the last two films of the blockbuster action film series, but this is no longer the case. According to THR, Lin’s quitting was a spur-of-the-moment decision from a difference in opinion over Fast X’s script as Diesel and Universal Pictures reportedly felt that the script needed more work done....

November 9, 2022 · 2 min · 365 words · Joseph Schnitker

Watch Will Smith Slap Chris Rock At The Oscars

Comedian Chris Rock was presenting the award for Best Documentary and, as expected, cracking jokes at the expense of various members of the audience. However, Rock turned his attention to Jada Pinkett Smith, who was there with her husband Will Smith, and that’s when things got serious. Rock joked that that he was looking forward to seeing “G.I. Jane 2” - a fictitious movie. In G.I. Jane, Demi Moore shaved her head during her try out for the Navy SEALs....

November 9, 2022 · 2 min · 269 words · John Jordan

We Might See A Nintendo Direct Showcase Before June Ends

Case in point, grapevine talk suggests that a Nintendo Direct showcase is scheduled until June ends. Former IGN producer and current writer at Santa Monica Studio, Alanah Pearce, mentioned during a Twitch livestream that “there is a Nintendo Direct coming on the 29th”, confidently adding that viewers heard it from here first after double-checking her calendar to confirm the date. Nintendo’s been awfully quiet since its last Nintendo Direct in February when the Japanese video game company revealed everything from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC as well as Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers and the next pair of mainline Pokemon games....

November 9, 2022 · 2 min · 309 words · David Miller

Wordle 327 For May 12 Hints And Answers

Josh Wardle’s word-puzzle game continues to sweep across the world under the ownership of the New York Times. Despite claims that it’s starting to lose traction, evidence points to the contrary as Wordle has effectively birthed a new genre of “dle” games like Heardle. Having said that, the Wordle gods haven’t been too kind these past few days. Yesterday’s Word, for example, was far from easy and so was Tuesday’s, albeit our tips and tricks might have been too on the nose for that one....

November 9, 2022 · 2 min · 353 words · Shelly Gomez

Xbox Game Pass February Additions Removals

Just last month, Microsoft announced that the service had reached 18 million subscribers, an uptick from the 15 million figure Game Pass was at in September last year. Xbox Game Pass offers access to a growing selection of more than 100 games on Xbox, Android, and PC platforms. It costs $9.99 per month for the basic version and $14.99 for the Ultimate version. Those who opt for the Ultimate version also enjoy the EA Play subscription service....

November 9, 2022 · 4 min · 660 words · Belinda Perez

Young Rock Reveals Moment The Rock Was Born

In its third season, NBC’s Young Rock has moved way past Johnson’s teenage years and it’s starting to dive deep into his time in the World Wrestling Federation. The second episode, Rocky Sucks, in particular, sheds light on The Rock’s heel turn that would forever change his career and perhaps even wrestling entertainment. For years, fans thought that it was Vince McMahon who convinced The Rock to embrace his inner self....

November 9, 2022 · 2 min · 409 words · Mary Bica

10 Best Classic Jrpg Games That Need A Modern Remake In 2021

In addition to new entries of long-running franchises being released on multiple platforms and new IPs being introduced, some classic JRPG games are getting the love that they rightfully deserve in the form of a remake. Case in point, Legend of Mana, and of course, who can forget the Final Fantasy 7 Remake? But while there’s a growing number of classic JRPG titles that are being remade for modern audiences, there are still far more that aren’t getting enough attention and are in desperate need of a modern remake in 2021 and beyond....

November 8, 2022 · 9 min · 1845 words · Darnell Armstrong

5 Letter Words With D As The Second Letter Wordle Game Help

adage adapt adaws adays adbot addax added adder addio addle adeem adept adhan adieu adios adits adman admen admin admit admix adobe adobo adopt adore adorn adown adoze adrad adred adsum aduki adult adunc adust advew adyta adzed adzes edema edged edger edges edict edify edile edits educe educt idant ideal ideas idees ident idiom idiot idled idler idles idola idols idyll idyls nduja odahs odals odder oddly odeon odeum odism odist odium odors odour odyle odyls sdayn sdein udals udder udons ydrad ydred

November 8, 2022 · 1 min · 84 words · Walter Ek

5 Letter Words With V As Third Letter Wordle Game Help

advew aiver anvil arval arvos bavin bevel bever bevor bevue bevvy bivia bivvy bovid cavas caved cavel caver caves cavie cavil cives civet civic civie civil civvy coved coven cover coves covet covey covin cuvee daven davit devas devel devil devon devot divan divas dived diver dives divis divot divvy doved doven dover doves dovie duvet eaved eaves eeven eevns elvan elver elves envoi envoy erven ervil favas favel faver faves favor favus fever fiver fives fovea gavel gavot gived given giver gives gyved gyves haven haver haves havoc hevea hived hiver hives hovea hoved hovel hoven hover hoves invar javas javel jived jiver jives jivey juves kavas kevel kevil kivas lavas laved laver laves lavra levee level lever levin levis lived liven liver lives livid livor livre lovat loved lover loves lovey luvvy maven mavie mavin mavis meved meves moved mover moves movie naval navar navel naves navew navvy nevel never neves nevus nival novae novas novel novum oaves orval pavan paved paven paver paves pavid pavin pavis pivot raved ravel raven raver raves ravin revel revet revie revue rival rivas rived rivel riven river rives rivet rivos roved roven rover roves saved saver saves savey savin savor savoy savvy seven sever siver syver tavah tavas taver ulvas urvas vivas vivat vivda viver vives vivid waved waver waves wavey wived wiver wives woven yeven yeves

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 226 words · Tracie Young

5 Letter Words With Y As The Fifth Letter Wordle Game Help

abbey abray absey accoy acidy aggry agley agony aiery alary allay alley alloy alway ambry amity amply angry annoy anomy antsy apery appay apply appuy aptly arefy array arsey artsy assay asway ataxy atimy atomy atony atopy aunty awmry azury azygy baccy baddy badly baffy baggy baldy balky bally balmy bandy banty barby bardy barky barmy barny barry bassy batty bawdy bawty beady beaky beamy beany beaty beefy beery beigy belay belly bendy benny benty beray berry betty bevvy bialy biccy biddy biffy biggy bigly bilby bilgy billy bingy birsy bitsy bitty bivvy bizzy blady blimy bliny blowy bludy bluey bobby bogey boggy boney bonny booby boody boofy boogy booky boomy booty boozy borty bosky bossy bothy botty bousy boysy braky braxy briny brosy bubby buddy buffy buggy bulgy bulky bully bumpy bundy bungy bunjy bunny bunty buppy burly burry busby bushy busky busty butty buzzy byway cabby cacky caddy cadgy cagey cakey calmy campy candy canny canty carby cardy carny carry carvy casky catty chary chevy chewy chivy choky ciggy cissy civvy clary coaly cobby cocky colby coley colly comby comfy commy coney conky cooey cooky cooly coomy copay coppy copsy corby corey corky corny cosey covey cowry coyly cozey crapy crazy crepy crony crudy crusy cubby cuddy cully culty cundy cuppy curdy curly curny curry curvy cushy cutey cutty daddy daffy daggy daily dairy daisy dally dampy dandy danny darcy darky dashy dauby deary deawy debby decay decoy decry deedy deely deify deity delay delly denay deoxy deray derby derry diary dicey dicky dicty diddy dikey dilly dimly dingy dinky dippy dirty dishy ditsy ditty ditzy divvy dizzy dobby doddy dodgy dogey doggy doily dolly donny donsy doody dooly doomy doozy dopey dorky dormy dorty dotty dowdy dowly downy dowry doyly drily drony drusy druxy dryly duchy ducky duddy dully dumky dummy dumpy dungy dunny duply duppy durgy duroy durry dusky dusty dykey early ebony edify elegy elogy embay emery empty enemy enjoy ensky entry envoy epoxy essay every faddy faery faggy fairy fakey fancy fanny farcy fatly fatty fawny felly felty femmy fendy fenny ferly ferny ferry festy feyly fezzy fiery fifty filly filmy finny firry fishy fisty fitly fizzy flaky flamy flary flawy flaxy flory fluey fluky fluty flyby foamy fogey foggy foley folky folly fonly foody footy foray forby forky forty frory frowy fubby fubsy fuddy fuffy fuggy fugly fully fundy funky funny furry furzy fussy fusty fuzzy gabby gaily gally gamay gamey gammy gandy gappy gaspy gassy gaucy gaudy gaumy gauzy gawcy gawky gawsy gayly geeky gelly gemmy genny genty germy giddy gilly gilpy gimpy ginny gippy gipsy girly glady glary glazy gleby globy glory gluey goary goaty gobby godly goety goldy golly gooby goody gooey goofy gooky gooly goony goopy goory goosy gormy gorsy gouty grapy gravy grimy gripy grisy grody gucky gulfy gully gulpy gummy gundy gungy gunky gunny guppy gurly gurry gushy gussy gusty gutsy gutty gynny gyppy gypsy haily hairy hammy handy hanky haply happy hardy harpy harry hashy hasty hayey heady heapy heavy hedgy heedy hefty hempy henny henry herby herry hilly hinky hinny hiply hippy hissy hoagy hoary hobby hokey holey holly homey honey honky hoody hooey hooky hooly hooty hoppy horny horsy hosey hotly hotty howdy hubby huffy huggy hulky hully humpy hunky hurly hurry hushy husky hussy huzzy icily imply imshy inlay irony itchy ivory jacky jaggy jakey jammy janny janty jasey jazzy jeely jelly jemmy jenny jerky jerry jetty jiffy jiggy jimmy jimpy jivey jokey jolly jolty jonty jotty jowly juicy jumby jumpy junky jutty kandy karsy karzy kaury kedgy kelly kelpy kelty kempy kerky kerry kicky kiddy kiley kilty kindy kinky kirby kissy kitty kooky lacey lairy laity laldy lamby lammy lanky lardy larky lathy lawny laxly leady leafy leaky leany leary leavy leccy ledgy leery lefty leggy lezzy limby limey lindy liney lingy linky linny linty lippy loamy lobby lofty loggy lolly looby looey loony loopy loppy lordy lorry lossy loury lousy lovey lowly lowry lucky lummy lumpy lurgy lurry lushy lusty luvvy madly malmy malty mamey mammy mangy manky manly manty mardy marly marry marvy mashy massy masty matey mauby mawky mazey mealy meany meaty meiny melty mercy merry meshy messy micky middy midgy miffy mifty milky milty mimsy mincy mingy minny minty mirky mirly missy misty mizzy mobby mochy moggy moldy molly mommy money monty moody mooly moony moory mopey moppy mopsy moray mosey mossy motey mothy motty mousy mucky muddy muggy muhly muley mummy mumsy murky murly murry mushy musky mussy musty muzzy myopy mythy naggy nancy nanny nappy narky nasty natty navvy neddy needy nelly nerdy nervy netty newly newsy nicky niffy nifty ninny nippy nirly nitry nitty nobby nobly noddy noily noisy nonny nooky nosey nouny noway nowty nubby nuddy nunny nurdy nutsy nutty ochry oddly ology onely onery onlay oracy otary oundy outby ovary pacey paddy palay pally palmy palsy pandy pansy panty pappy pardy parky parly parry party paspy pasty patly patsy patty pawky peaky peaty peavy pecky peeoy peery peggy penny peony peppy perdy perky perry pesky pesty petty phony piccy picky piety piggy pigmy pikey piney pinky pinny piony pippy pisky pithy platy plumy poboy pocky poddy podgy poesy pogey pokey poley polly pommy poncy poney pongy ponty poofy poovy poppy popsy porgy porky porny porty posey potsy potty pouty powny pozzy praty predy premy prexy pricy primy privy prosy proxy puddy pudgy pudsy puffy puggy pulpy punky punny punty puppy purpy pursy purty pushy pussy putty pygmy quaky query raggy rainy rally rammy randy rangy raspy ratty rawly ready reamy rebuy reccy reddy redly redry reedy reefy reeky refly refry reify rekey relay renay reney repay reply resay resty retry rhody ribby ricey ridgy rifty riley rindy risky ritzy roary rocky roguy roily roofy rooky roomy roopy rooty ropey rorty roupy rowdy rubby ruddy rugby ruggy rumly rummy rumpy runny runty rushy rusty rutty sadly saggy sally salty samey sammy sandy sappy sarky sassy satay saucy saury savey savoy savvy scaly scary scody scray seamy sedgy seedy seely seepy seity senvy sepoy serry sesey shady shaky shaly shily shiny showy shyly silky silly silty sinky sippy sissy sixty skiey skivy skyey slaty slily slimy slopy slyly smoky snaky snary snipy snowy soapy soddy softy soggy soily sonly sonny sonsy sooey sooty sophy soppy sorry soupy spacy spewy spicy spiky spiny spiry splay spray spumy stagy stewy stimy stivy stogy stony story stray stroy study stymy subby sucky sudsy suety sulky sully sunny surfy surgy surly swaly swamy tabby tacky taffy taggy talcy talky tally tammy tangy tanky tansy tardy tarry tarty tasty tatty tawny teary techy teddy teeny telly tenny tenty tepoy terry testy thawy thewy thymy tichy ticky tiddy tilly tinny tinty tippy tipsy titty tizzy toady tocky today toddy toffy tokay tolly tommy toney toshy tossy totty tousy touzy towny towsy towzy tripy truly tubby tufty tummy tumpy tunny turfy tushy tusky tutty twiny typey umpty unary uncoy unify unity unlay unpay unsay updry uplay upsey usury vairy vampy vardy vasty vealy veery veily veiny veney verry vibey vichy viewy vuggy vughy vutty wacky waddy wally walty waney wanky wanly wanty warby warty washy waspy wavey weary webby wedgy weedy weeny weepy welly wenny wetly whiny whity wicky widdy wifey wifty wiggy willy wimpy windy winey wingy wispy withy witty wolly womby wonky woody woofy wooly woozy wordy wormy worry wryly wussy yabby yampy yappy yawey yawny yechy yesty yeuky yippy yolky yucky yukky yummy yuppy zappy zesty zincy zingy zinky zippy zloty zooey zooty

November 8, 2022 · 6 min · 1254 words · Carol Nugent

A New Aaa Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game Is Coming Next Year

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is a side-scrolling action brawler inspired by the older TMNT games. It was well received by critics and fans, selling over a million copies in its first week. On the other hand, The Cowabunga Collection is a compilation of games that were published by Konami from 1989 to 1993. The collection includes 13 games from different platforms with several titles featuring online multiplayer. After two relatively successful hits this year, it looks like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise wants to invest more in the gaming space....

November 8, 2022 · 3 min · 464 words · Violet Hager

A New Daredevil Show On Disney Plus Is One Step Closer To Happening

Variety reports that Matt Corman and Chris Ord have signed on to work on a new Daredevil series on Disney Plus. Both are best known for co-creating Covert Affairs, which aired on the USA Network from 2010 until 2014. Unfortunately, the report doesn’t mention if this is a new series or a reboot and if Charlie Cox will reprise his role as the titular vigilante who works as the blind lawyer, Matt Murdock, during the day....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 348 words · Raymond Wong

A New Ip Project Hadar Is In Concept Phase Over At Cd Projekt Red

Project Hadar is part of CDPR’s roadmap for the next decade, which includes a full sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 and a new The Witcher trilogy as well as several spin-offs. According to the studio, the IP has spent the past year in “IP incubation.” A “strike team” is now assigned to think of and conceptualize the game to build its core foundation. This implies Hadar is still not yet in actual development....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 298 words · Shelia Kindrick

Activision Blizzard Share Value Drops 9 Prompting Response From Kotick

The latter has caused the company’s shares to drop 9%, which seemingly prompted the first official response from Activision’s CEO Bobby Kotick. While predictable, the fact that the CEO only cared to acknowledge the situation after his shares took a hit is still disappointing. In his carefully manicured letter, Kotick claims that the company will make sweeping changes including with respect to personnel, the introduction of employee support and listening sessions, and altered hiring practices....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 255 words · James Epperson

Activision Is Releasing The Ricochet Anti Cheat For Call Of Duty Warzone

Activision and players have had it with cheaters in Warzone According to Activision, Ricochet is an anti-cheat system that will take a multi-faceted approach to combat cheaters in Warzone and other shooters. In addition to boasting the support of several dedicated professionals specifically hired to maintain fair play in the game, the system itself will use advanced analytics and regular updates to make Warzone more secure. What is more interesting is that Ricochet is a kernel-level driver for the PC....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 335 words · David Pearce

Aladdin S Live Action Lead Provides An Update On The Sequel

In a recent interview with Variety, Aladdin star Mena Massoud spoke about the progress of the sequel, stating: Aladdin’s producer, Dan Lin, had previously indicated that the sequel to the live-action film would not follow the 1994 Disney sequel, The Return of Jafar, saying: Following the announcement of the sequel in 2020, John Gatins and Andrea Berloff were set to write the script, but that seems to no longer be the case....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 222 words · Betty Franklin

Alien Isolation Studio Might Be Working On A Jurassic Park Survival Horror Game

Dino Crisis peaked in 2000’s Dino Crisis 2, with Dino Crisis 3 killing any hopes of future installments. On the other hand, Resident Evil just saw its nth installment earlier this year with more planned down the line. Unfortunately, there are no talks of a Dino Crisis reboot or remake happening anytime soon. However, the good news is that a survival horror game with dinosaurs might be coming in the future nonetheless....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 419 words · Jerry Vetter

Amazon Game Studios Head Steps Down To Spend More Time With His Family

November 8, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Dorothy Richardson

Amazon Reveals Title And Premiere Date For Lord Of The Rings Prequel

Peter Jackson’s original Lord of the Rings movies was a seminal piece of product that many audiences continue to remember fondly two decades after 2001’s The Fellowship of the Ring was released. However, Prime Video intends to separate its adaptation in many ways. Aside from being a prequel, The Rings of Power will not bring back any of the actors involved in Jackson’s movies. Case in point, Morfydd Clark will play Galadriel in the Prime Video series instead of Cate Blanchett, as you can see in the trailer below....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 303 words · Cathy Perry

Anthem Next Officially Cancelled

Announced in February 2021, Anthem NEXT was to be a reworked version of the original Anthem - a much-hyped and highly anticipated action RPG released by EA in February 2019. However, it declined quickly and is considered a massive failure - both in terms of critical reviews, sales and otherwise. Despite pledging to reinvent the game in a way more consistent with the original vision of the project, BioWare says it ran into problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the process....

November 8, 2022 · 1 min · 146 words · Paul Meek