Wwe Continues The Pg Era Of Show

A now-deleted tweet started the talk that the WWE would move Monday Night Raw back to the more mature TV-14 rating. The report came from an internal memo from USA Network that Monday Night Raw will change to the TV-14 rating on July 18. The media prematurely picked this up and took it as a fact. PWInsider reports that the company has no plans to move to the TV-14 rating....

November 8, 2022 · 3 min · 454 words · Jennifer Alston

Xbox Game Pass Pc Subscribers To Get Ea Play On March 18

Microsoft revealed the news just a day before the update drops and has thanked the PC community for their continued patience. They also detailed some of the biggest titles now available to play for Xbox Game Pass PC subscribers. The Xbox Game Pass Library Continues to Grow Microsoft and EA have worked closely together since last year to include EA Play in the Xbox Game Pass subscription service. Originally, Microsoft was to make EA Play available for Xbox Game Pass PC subscribers back in December....

November 8, 2022 · 3 min · 475 words · Leila Hoes

You Can Get The Xbox Series S For Less Than The Nintendo Switch

According to Microsoft, interested gamers can buy the Xbox Series X’s more affordable sibling at a discounted price of $250 throughout the holiday season. In addition to this, new Game Pass members will only need to pay $1 for their first month. This lets players have fun and enjoy next-gen games at 120 frames per second and insanely fast loading times for a low, low price of $251, which is barely half the retail price of the Xbox Series X....

November 8, 2022 · 2 min · 340 words · Kathryn Walker

14 Games To Enjoy Ps5 Vrr Support This Week

Simply put, this newish tech syncs the refresh of the display with that of the PC or console, resulting in smoother gameplay. Unfortunately, Sony hasn’t made the feature available on the PS5 yet even though Xbox and PC gamers have enjoyed it for years. Thankfully, Sony is fixing this glaring issue with an upcoming update for the PlayStation 5. As per its earlier promise, Sony is adding VRR support for the PS5 for a handful of titles starting later this year....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 311 words · Patricia Estrella

343 Industries Share Details About Halo Infinite Technical Preview

Of course, you can’t exactly blame the studio for exercising extreme caution. The earlier previews for Halo Infinite last year didn’t exactly go well. With that said, 343 Industries has just dropped new details about the upcoming Halo Infinite technical preview. When will the first Halo Infinite technical preview start? The forthcoming Halo Infinite test flight will mark a monumental step for the latest iteration in the iconic shooter franchise....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 424 words · Michael Berry

5 Letter Words With I As The Third Letter Wordle Game Help

abide abies acids acidy acing acini adieu adios adits afire agila agile aging agios agism agist agita ahigh ahind ahing ahint ajiva aking akita alias alibi alien alifs align alike aline alist alive aliya amias amice amici amide amido amids amies amiga amigo amine amino amins amirs amiss amity anigh anile anils anima anime animi anion anise apian aping apiol apish apism arias ariel ariki arils ariot arise arish aside atigi atilt atimy avian avine avion avise aviso avize awing axial axile axils axing axiom axion axite ayins azide azido azine bails bairn baith baits baiza baize beige beigy being blimp blimy blind bling blini blink blins bliny blips bliss blist blite blitz blive boils boing boink boite briar bribe brick bride brief brier bries brigs briks brill brims brine bring brink brins briny brios brise brisk briss brith brits britt brize buiks build built buist caids cains caird cairn ceiba ceili ceils chiao chias chibs chica chich chick chico chics chide chief chiel chiks child chile chili chill chimb chime chimo chimp china chine chink chino chins chips chirk chirl chirm chiro chirp chirr chirt chiru chits chive chivs chivy chizz click clied clies cliff clift climb clime cline cling clink clint clipe clips clipt cnida coifs coign coils coins coirs coits cribs crick cried crier cries crime crimp crims crine crios cripe crise crisp crith crits cuifs cuing cuish cuits daily daine daint dairy daisy deice deids deify deign deils deism deist deity djinn djins doilt doily doing doits dribs drice dried drier dries drift drill drily drink drips dript drive duing duits dwile dwine dying edict edify edile edits ehing eking eliad elide elint elite emirs emits eniac epics erica erick erics ering esile evict evils evite exies exile exine exing exist exits eying faiks fails faine fains faint fairs fairy faith feign feint feist flick flics flied flier flies flimp flims fling flint flips flirs flirt flisk flite flits flitt foids foils foins foist friar fribs fried frier fries frigs frill frise frisk frist frith frits fritt fritz frize frizz gaids gaily gains gairs gaits gaitt geist geits glial glias glibs glide gliff glift glike glime glims glint glisk glits glitz goier going grice gride grids grief griff grift grigs grike grill grime grimy grind grins griot gripe grips gript gripy grise grist grisy grith grits grize guide guids guild guile guilt guimp guiro guise gwine haick haika haiks haiku hails haily hains haint hairs hairy haith heids heigh heils heirs heist hoick hoiks hoing hoise hoist huias hying icier icily icing idiom idiot iliac iliad ilial ilium imide imido imids imine imino inion irids iring ivied ivies ixias jails joins joint joist juice juicy kaiak kaids kaies kaifs kaika kaiks kails kaims kaing kains keirs klick klieg kliks knife knish knits knive koine krill kuias laich laics laids laigh laika laiks laird lairs lairy laith laity leirs leish loids loins loipe loirs lying maids maiko maiks maile maill mails maims mains maire mairs maise maist maize mbira meins meint meiny meith moils moira moire moist moits muids muils muirs muist naiad naifs naiks nails naira nairu naive neifs neigh neist neive noils noily noint noirs noise noisy nying obias obied obiit obits odism odist odium ogive ohias ohing ojime olios olive omits onion onium opine oping opium oribi oriel orixa osier ouija ovine ovist owing oxide oxids oxime oxims paiks pails pains paint paire pairs paisa paise peins peise peize phial piing plica plied plier plies plims pling plink poilu poind point poise prial price prick pricy pride pried prief prier pries prigs prill prima prime primi primo primp prims primy prink print prion prior prise prism priss privy prize psion pyins qaids quich quick quids quiet quiff quill quilt quims quina quine quino quins quint quipo quips quipu quire quirk quirt quist quite quits raias raids raiks raile rails raine rains rainy raird raise raita raits reifs reify reign reiki reiks reink reins reird reist reive rhies rhime rhine rhino roils roily roins roist ruing ruins saice saick saics saids saiga sails saims saine sains saint sairs saist saith scion seifs seils seine seirs seise seism seity seize shiai shied shiel shier shies shift shill shily shims shine shins shiny ships shire shirk shirr shirs shirt shish shiso shist shite shits shiur shiva shive shivs skids skied skier skies skiey skiff skill skimo skimp skims skink skins skint skios skips skirl skirr skirt skite skits skive skivy slice slick slide slier slily slime slims slimy sling slink slipe slips slipt slish slits slive smile smirk smirr smirs smite smith smits snibs snick snide snies sniff snift snigs snipe snips snipy snirt snits soils soily spial spica spice spick spics spicy spide spied spiel spier spies spiff spifs spike spiks spiky spile spill spilt spims spina spine spink spins spiny spire spirt spiry spite spits spitz spivs stich stick stied sties stiff stilb stile still stilt stime stims stimy sting stink stint stipa stipe stire stirk stirp stirs stive stivy suids suing suint suite suits swies swift swigs swill swims swine swing swink swipe swire swirl swish swiss swith swits swive swizz taiga taigs tails tains taint taira taish taits teiid teils teind thick thief thigh thigs thilk thill thine thing think thins thiol third thirl toile toils toing toise toits triac triad trial tribe trice trick tride tried trier tries triff trigo trigs trike trild trill trims trine trins triol trior trios tripe trips tripy trist trite tuina tuism twice twier twigs twill twilt twine twink twins twiny twire twirl twirp twist twite twits twixt tying tyiyn umiac umiak umiaq unify union unite units unity urial urine urite using utile vails vaire vairs vairy veils veily veins veiny vlies voice voids voila voile vrils vying waide waifs waift wails wains wairs waist waite waits waive weids weigh weils weird weirs weise weize which whids whiff whift whigs while whilk whims whine whins whiny whips whipt whirl whirr whirs whish whisk whiss whist white whits whity whizz wrick wried wrier wries wring wrist write writs yaird ylike yoick yrivd zaire zeins zoism zoist

November 7, 2022 · 5 min · 1018 words · George Jones

5 Letter Words With N As The Third Letter Wordle Game Help

acned acnes ainee ainga amnia amnic amnio annal annas annat annex annoy annul apnea arnas arnut aunes aunts aunty awned awner banak banal banco bancs banda bandh bands bandy baned banes bangs bania banjo banks banns bants bantu banty bench bends bendy benes benet benis benne benni benny bento bents benty binal bindi binds biner bines binge bingo bings bingy binit binks bints bonce bonds boned boner bones boney bongo bongs bonie bonks bonne bonny bonus bonza bonze bunas bunce bunch bunco bunde bundh bunds bundt bundu bundy bungs bungy bunia bunje bunjy bunko bunks bunns bunny bunts bunty bunya canal candy caned caneh caner canes cangs canid canna canns canny canoe canon canso canst canto cants canty cense cento cents centu cinch cinct cines conch condo coned cones coney confs conga conge congo conia conic conin conks conky conne conns conte conto conus convo cundy cunei cunts cynic dance dandy dangs danio danks danny dants denar denay denes denet denim denis dense dents dinar dined diner dines dinge dingo dings dingy dinic dinks dinky dinna dinos dints donah donas donee doner donga dongs donko donna donne donny donor donsy donut dunam dunce dunch dunes dungs dungy dunks dunno dunny dunsh dunts dynel dynes eaned ennog ennui erned ernes esnes etnas fanal fancy fands fanes fanga fango fangs fanks fanny fanon fanos fanum fence fends fendy fenis fenks fenny fents final finca finch finds fined finer fines finis finks finny finos fonda fonds fondu fonly fonts fundi funds fundy fungi fungo fungs funks funky funny ganch gandy ganef ganev gangs ganja ganof gants genal genas genes genet genic genie genii genip genny genoa genom genre genro gents genty genua genus ginge gings ginks ginny ginzo gonad gonef goner gongs gonia gonif gonks gonna gonof gonys gonzo gundy gunge gungy gunks gunky gunny gynae gynie gynny hanap hance hanch hands handy hangi hangs hanks hanky hansa hanse hants hence hends henge henna henny henry hents hinau hinds hinge hings hinky hinny hints honan honda honds honed honer hones honey hongi hongs honks honky honor hunch hunks hunky hunts hynde inned inner ionic isnae janes janns janny janty jenny jingo jinks jinne jinni jinns jones jongs jonty junco junks junky junta junto kanae kanas kandy kaneh kanes kanga kangs kanji kants kanzu kenaf kench kendo kenos kente kents kinas kinda kinds kindy kines kings kinin kinks kinky kinos konbu kondo konks kynde kynds lanai lanas lance lanch lande lands lanes lanks lanky lants lends lenes lengs lenis lenos lense lenti lento linac linch linds lindy lined linen liner lines liney linga lingo lings lingy linin links linky linns linny linos lints linty linum linux loner longa longe longs lunar lunas lunch lunes lunet lunge lungi lungs lunks lunts lynch lynes manas manat mandi maned maneh manes manet manga mange mango mangs mangy mania manic manis manky manly manna manor manos manse manta manto manty manul manus menad mends mened menes menge mengs mensa mense mensh menta mento menus minae minar minas mince mincy minds mined miner mines minge mings mingy minim minis minke minks minny minor minos mints minty minus monad monal monas monde mondo moner money mongo mongs monie monks monos monte month monty munch munga mungo mungs munis munts muntu mynah mynas nanas nance nancy nandu nanna nanny nanua nenes nines ninja ninny ninon ninth nonas nonce nones nonet nongs nonis nonny nonyl nunny oinks oints onned oonts ornis ounce oundy owned owner panax pance panda pands pandy paned panel panes panga pangs panic panim panne pansy panto pants panty penal pence pends pendu pened penes pengo penie penis penks penna penne penni penny pents pinas pinch pined pines piney pingo pings pinko pinks pinky pinna pinny pinon pinot pinta pinto pints pinup ponce poncy ponds pones poney ponga pongo pongs pongy ponks ponts ponty ponzu punas punce punch punga pungs punji punka punks punky punny punto punts punty pyned pynes qanat ranas rance ranch rands randy ranee range rangi rangy ranid ranis ranke ranks rants renal renay rends renew reney renga renig renin renne rente rents rinds rindy rines rings rinks rinse ronde rondo roneo rones ronin ronne ronte ronts runch runds runed runes rungs runic runny runts runty rynds sands sandy saned saner sanes sanga sangh sango sangs sanko sansa santo sants senas sends sengi senna senor sensa sense sensi sente senti sents senvy senza since sinds sined sines sinew singe sings sinhs sinks sinky sinus sonar sonce sonde sones songs sonic sonly sonne sonny sonse sonsy sunks sunna sunns sunny sunup synch syncs synds syned synes synod synth tanas tanga tangi tango tangs tangy tanhs tanka tanks tanky tanna tansy tanti tanto tench tends tendu tenes tenet tenge tenia tenne tenno tenny tenon tenor tense tenth tents tenty tenue tinct tinds tinea tined tines tinge tings tinks tinny tints tinty tonal tondi tondo toned toner tones toney tonga tongs tonic tonka tonks tonne tonus tunas tunds tuned tuner tunes tungs tunic tunny tynde tyned tynes ulnad ulnae ulnar ulnas urnal urned usnea vanda vaned vanes vangs vants venae venal vends veney venge venin venom vents venue venus vinal vinas vinca vined viner vines vinew vinic vinos vints vinyl wands waned wanes waney wangs wanks wanky wanle wanly wanna wants wanty wanze wench wends wenge wenny wents wince winch winds windy wined wines winey winge wings wingy winks winna winns winos winze wonga wongi wonks wonky wonts wynds wynns xenia xenic xenon yangs yanks yenta yente yince yonic yonis yonks yrneh zanja zante zanza zanze zinco zincs zincy zineb zines zings zingy zinke zinky zonae zonal zonda zoned zoner zones zonks

November 7, 2022 · 5 min · 933 words · Larry Ryans

5 Letter Words With Q As The Second Letter Wordle Game Help

aquae aquas equal equid equip squab squad squat squaw squeg squib squid squit squiz

November 7, 2022 · 1 min · 14 words · Willie Rakes

8 Best Pc Exclusives To Play In 2021

From niche indie titles to full-blown AAA games, we’ve rounded up some of the best PC exclusives that players can try out and play in 2021. FTL: Faster than Light Very few games come close to FTL: Faster Than Light when it comes to making you feel like you’re the commander of your very own starship. However, unlike other games where you feel in control and powerful, FTL will constantly have you by the skin of your teeth as you try to avoid dying from hackers sabotaging your ship’s life-support system, giant insects killing your entire crew or just a bad day of having your ship boarded by a larger ship....

November 7, 2022 · 8 min · 1501 words · Jose Daugherty

A More Grounded Saints Row Reboot Is Coming In 2022

However, in its later entries, the Saints Row franchise deviated from the usual GTA formula. Instead, it focused more on “over-the-top” action that literally took gamers through hell and back in its latest installment. Now, Deep Silver Volition has announced that it wants to take the Saints Row series back to its roots, revealing the long-rumored reboot at Gamescom 2021. What changes will the Saints Row reboot make? We’ve known for quite some time that either a reboot or sequel of Saints Row was coming....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 342 words · Jose Schmitt

A Wwe Wrestling Rpg Game Is In The Works

Eurogamer reports that WWE has signed a deal for a new wrestling RPG as the professional wrestling promotion revealed its expansion plans. WWE chief brand manager, Stephanie McMahon, revealed WWE’s recent deal “in the role-playing game space,” adding that fans should look forward to hearing more about the game, among others, “in the coming months.” Unfortunately, fans are worried that McMahon mentioned the RPG title in the same breath as the metaverse and decentralized properties....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 259 words · Marion Ogan

All 20 Intel Locations On Denied Area Spec Ops Mission Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Ii

There are 50 pre-season Intel scattered across all three Spec Ops launch maps, including Low Profile, Denied Area, and Defender: Mt. Zaya. In this guide, we walk you through all twenty possible locations found in Denied Area. Video Guide Geiger Counter Before you begin collecting the Intel, make sure to collect the Geiger Counter at the very beginning of the mission. This Geiger Counter will be used to locate some of the hidden Intel that is not obtainable otherwise....

November 7, 2022 · 5 min · 950 words · Eleanor Fisher

Back To The Future Stars Reunite Following The Film S 36Th Anniversary

Marty’s quest to try and get back to the present timeline has since spawned two sequels, an animated TV show, video games, theme park rides, and even a stage musical. With how expansive the Back to the Future films were and how popular they remain, it’s only understandable that fans and even newer audiences are asking for a reboot. Although we don’t think that this is going to happen anytime soon, Christopher Lloyd and Michael J....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 340 words · Kenneth Ladner

Batgirl Directors Wants To Do A Live Action Batman Beyond Film

Although Matt Reeves already has dibs on future Batman films for at least the next decade, the DC Universe is severely lacking a solo outing. James Gunn and the rest of the new DC Studios management will want to address this in the future. After all, the next Man of Steel movie is reportedly already in development. But, if Gunn wants to try something different with the DCU, it could turn to the future and bring Terry McGinnis into the fold with the duo, Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, spearheading the project....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 396 words · Adriane Gonzalez

Battlefield 2042 Has Less Than A Thousand Players On Steam

It’s not unusual for live-service titles to go through cycles of low player counts. However, the average number of players very rarely falls below the 4-digit mark. For a AAA title like Battlefield 2042, the expectations are even higher. As a multiplayer-only game with zero single-player content, Battlefield 2042 needs to have more than just 1,000 players, but EA and DICE have had no luck attracting and retaining a sizable audience....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 414 words · Mary Avila

Battlefield 2042 Season 1 Will Reportedly Launch On June 9

After confirming its failures with Battlefield 2042 and its intention to rebuild the game from the ground up, an anonymous source has spoken to various insiders to confirm that at least three trailers are coming in the lead up to Battlefield 2042 Season 1’s release on June 9. According to the rumors, content creators have a capture session scheduled for today, June 6, so that they can post their impressions on June 7 at 8:00 AM PDT / 11:00 AM EDT / 4:00 PM BST alongside the game’s video teasers....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 327 words · Donald Dean

Beetlejuice Director Provides An Update On The Sequel

Back in February, Brad Pitt’s production company, Plan B, revealed it is developing a sequel to the 1988 film. However, the company has not provided any update on the film since then. When asked about his possible involvement in the film, Burton commented, “I only know if I’m making a film when I’m actually on the set shooting. I try to go back to the root of everything. It springs from a seed and then it grows, rather than out of these statements....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 382 words · Kenneth Lathrop

Bioware Drops Dragon Age Dreadwolf Trailer For Dragon Age Day

The new Dragon Age: Dreadwolf cinematic is basically just a reminder of who Solas is, one of the playable characters introduced in Dragon Age: Inquisition. { “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “VideoObject”, “name”: “BioWare drops Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer for Dragon Age day”, “description”: “It looks like BioWare is jumping on the bandwagon and using the once-unofficial Dragon Age Day to drop news about the narrative-driven RPG franchise.”, “thumbnailUrl”: [ “https://i.ytimg.com/vi/b2WubkOQwIs/maxresdefault.jpg” ], “uploadDate”: “2022-12-6”, “duration”: “PT30S”, “contentUrl”: “https://www....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 276 words · Pamela Ryan

Black Ops Cold War Warzone Season 1 Battle Pass Guide Tiers Pricing And More

As is the case in other Battle Royale titles, as well as previous Call of Duty games, the Season 1 Battle Pass is a premium item that players can buy and level up to gain access to a boatload of cosmetic items that they can use in both Warzone and Call of Duty Black Ops. In total, the Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season 1 Battle Pass will have 100 Tiers available for players to grind through....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 349 words · Joseph Schnitker

Box Art Confirms That Call Of Duty Is Going Narco For Modern Warfare 2

Naturally, the news of the game’s release on October 28 got fans buzzing. However, there’s a certain subset of eagle-eyed Call of Duty players that are keeping themselves busy trying to decipher the hidden “message” on the box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. If you look closely, you can see that there’s more to the images than meets the eyes. — CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) May 24, 2022 If you take a close look at all five photos of each individual member of Task Force 141, you can see the outline of a map....

November 7, 2022 · 2 min · 270 words · Garrett Riley