This documentary series chronicles the true life story of Augusto “Willy” Falcon and Salvador “Sal” Magluto. These two Cuban immigrants were notorious drug trafficking personalities who operated in the area and surrounding locations of South Florida. Known as the “Los Muchachos”, these two ran a drug trafficking modus operandi almost unchallenged, bringing in 75 tons of cocaine into the United States via smuggling. Part of what made the scheme so successful is Willy and Sal endearing themselves to the local populace. Being treated as some sort of modern Robin Hoods or Zorro figures helped their operation to run for as long as it did, all the while they eluded capture by local and federal authorities. In fact, the duo managed to avoid arrest for 20 years, a testament to how effective their ploy was. Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami is actually the newest entry to a series created by Billy Corben (William Cohen in real life). The first Cocaine Cowboys was a documentary film produced and released in 2006 after premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival. It was then released on Showtime in 2007. The film also had a follow-up titled Cocaine Cowboys 2: Hustlin’ with the Godmother in 2008. Both documentaries explored the rise and fall of notorious drug smuggling syndicates, with in-depth interviews, footage, and research of the events and key personalities involved. Bringing the newest installment of the Cocaine Cowboys documentaries to Netflix is a good fit. Netflix is not only about genre and pop culture shows such as Army of the Dead, Masters of the Universe, or Castlevania. The largest streaming service in the world is also well-known for its documentary programming and series. Other documentary series (also called docuseries) that have sprung from Netflix include World’s Most Wanted and Spycraft. According to the official synopsis of Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami: Produced by Billy Corben, Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami will be released in 45-minute episodes. All six episodes of the docuseries release on the same day, August 4, 2021 on Netflix.

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