Here is everything we’ve learned from the PTS.

Galactic Season Rewards & Objectives

Undoubtedly the biggest addition coming in 6.3 are Galactic Seasons, a new system similar to the battle passes or seasonal content in other MMO and live service games. Gaining access to the many rewards included in Galactic Seasons won’t require any kind of additional purchase, either in-game or using real money unlike your usual battle passes and the like. All free to play users will have access to it automatically - but if you are a subscriber, there are extra rewards to be unlocked that F2P players don’t have access to. Back when BioWare first revealed 6.3, we only got some placeholder examples of rewards, but with the content going live on the PTS we now know exactly what to expect from both the free-to-play and subscriber reward tracks for the first Galactic Season. The developers have already implemented changes based on player feedback too, meaning the final version of the rewards will be much more enticing than initially. Essentially, every Galactic Season will include 100 levels for players to progress through. In the first version that was playable on the PTS, the majority of these 100 levels were actually empty, offering no reward at all - they were just a hurdle you needed to clear on the path to the next tier that actually offered something. Following player feedback, this was changed - there are still some empty levels, but significantly fewer. Here is a complete rundown of all the rewards as per the latest version, courtesy of r/swtor user Ranadiel: Note that Subscribers have access to both reward tracks. The updated rewards mean that by the end of the 100 levels, Subscribers will have earned 15 Galactic Seasons Tokens making it possible to purchase both new Fleet apartment strongholds (7 tokens each) inside of one season - this wasn’t the case before. Additionally, the number of empty levels is down to 19. Keep in mind that while the Fleet apartments will be persistently available across all seasons, some seasonal items like weapons will disappear forever after the season is over. Going by current prices, buying every seasonal weapon would cost 12 tokens. The catch-up system, which allows players who aren’t playing as much fast-track through the reward progression is also subject to change, but as things stand you can purchase a level for the fixed price of 100 Cartel Coins, or for an ever-increasing price of credits. The higher the level, the more credits it will cost to catch up. Additional changes including bringing previously Vendor-only rewards to the subscriber reward track, leaving more tokens for players to spend on the strongholds and remaining Vendor-only items. So how do you actually progress through these levels? Every level requires 8 Galactic Seasons Points, which are earned by completing Daily and Weekly Priority Objectives. Priority Objectives are selected Conquest Objectives that will count towards both your conquest and the seasonal progress. Swtorista compiled these Priority Objectives in a post showing both daily and weekly objectives:

PO: Coreward Neutralization • Alderaan: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Outer Rim Neutralization • Hoth: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Coreward Neutralization • Mek-Sha: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Coreward Neutralization • Onderon: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Coreward Neutralization • Corellia: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Coreward Neutralization • Balmorra: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Critical Missions • Ossus: Weekly Mission PO: Critical Missions • Section X: Weekly Mission (Daily Repeatable) PO: Critical Missions • CZ-198: Weekly Mission (Daily Repeatable) PO: Critical Missions • Oricon: Weekly Mission (Daily Repeatable) PO: Critical Missions • lokath: Weekly Mission PO: Critical Missions • Yavin 4: Weekly Mission (Daily Repeatable) PO: Critical Missions • The Black Hole: Weekly Mission (Daily Repeatable) PO: Critical Missions • Makeb: Weekly Mission PO: Critical Operations • Operation: Story PO: Deadly Adversaries • Coruscant: SD-O • Dromund Kaas: The First PO: Hutt Space Neutralization • Voss: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Hutt Space Neutralization • Quesh: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Hutt Space Neutralization • Nar Shaddaa: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Hutt Space Neutralization • Makeb: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: It’s Nothing Personal • Galactic: Defeat Insectoids PO: Maintaining Standards • Dromund Kaas: Defeat Enemies 2 • Coruscant: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Maintaining Standards • Hutta: Defeat Enemies 2 • Korriban: Defeat Enemies 2 • Ord Mantell: Defeat Enemies 2 • Tython: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Now That’s an Insectoid • Ossus: Kil’Cik the Swarm Lord (This Priority Objective is on behalf of Altuur zok Adon) PO: Outer Rim Neutralization • Belsavis: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Outer Rim Neutralization • Tatooine: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Outer Rim Neutralization • Rishi: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Seat of the Empire Neutralization • Yavin 4: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Seat of the Empire Neutralization • Taris: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Seat of the Empire Neutralization • Ziost: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Seat of the Empire Neutralization • Oricon: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Taking Sides • Tatooine: Defeat Insectoids (Daily Repeatable) PO: Taking Sides • Voss: Defeat Insectoids (Daily Repeatable) PO: Taking Sides • Alderaan: Defeat Insectoids (Daily Repeatable) PO: Taking Sides • Balmorra: Defeat Insectoids (Daily Repeatable) PO: Taking to the Stars • Starfighter: Achiever PO: Taking to the Stars • Starfighter: Conquer the Skies (Daily Repeatable) PO: The Avatar of Ruin • Heart of Ruin (Story) PO: The Mutated Queen • Hive of the Mountain Queen (Story) PO: Unknown Regions Neutralization • Ilum: Defeat Enemies 2 (Daily Repeatable) PO: Uprisings • Uprisings: Tour of Duty PO: Valuable Connections • Activity Finder: Socialite I PO: War Efforts • Unranked: Victorious (Daily Repeatable) PO: War Efforts • Unranked: Victorious 2

While there are some group and endgame content objectives, there are plenty in the mix that solo players can complete easily, allowing you to progress through the complete season sticking to the content you prefer. It’s possible to skip or miss out on quite a few objectives throughout the approximate 5 month run of each season, especially if you are a Subscriber with access to additional objectives and still have the chance to progress through all 100 levels without having to resort to catch ups.

Cartel Market Items

It seems that 6.3 will bring a bevy of new items for outfit connoisseurs to add to their virtual wardrobes, with some tie-in material upcoming Disney+ content. First up, we have very preliminary, possibly placeholder models for new armor sets based on the Bad Batch animated series, which recently had a new trailer debuting online. Currently the PTS placeholder items use existing models that have been reskinned alongside a very, very prototype looking chest piece that isn’t even textured. Players can expect the final armor to actually sport brand new models much closer to the on-screen designs. A new mount will also be added to the game, based on the pirate tanks used by Hondo Ohnaka’s gang in the Clone Wars series. This will expect to have a firing flourish like some other tank mounts currently in the game. Alongside the Bad Batch armors, a new set seemingly not based on other media called the Tactical Ranger is also coming in 6.3, as well as a new Golf Swing emote.

Fleet Apartments

The new Fleet Apartment Strongholds are accessible in the PTS, so now we know both the full internal layout and the decoration hook placement. We don’t imagine anything will change with the layout itself, but there is a chance the hooks will be shuffled around a bit based on player feedback. The bottom-most room is the one overlooking the VIP area of either Vaiken Spacedock or Carrick Station, based on your faction. Just like the Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds, both variants share their layouts and hooks and are just faction-appropriate palette swaps. Fleet Stronghold deeds can be purchased from the Galactic Seasons Vendor, and are currently priced at 7 tokens, but this may be subject to change. While in the Fleet Stronghold, players will see the general chat channel of the Fleet, much like in the case of Guild Flagships.

Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint

The PTS has revealed some new information about the main new story content appearing in 6.3, which is the Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint. It appears that some characters from the Class Stories will be making a return on both the Republic and Imperial side of the story. As we know, playing Secrets of the Enclave as a Republic character will pit us against Imperial enemies and bosses, and playing as an Imperial player will pit us against Republic enemies, with Malgus being the only shared boss. Achievements and Trophy decorations have revealed two of the bosses we’ll face in the Flashpoint, and they’re returning characters. These are minor spoilersfor the Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint, so skip the next few lines if you want to keep this a surprise - On the Imperial side, one of the bosses is the enterprising Captain Golah of the Imperial Reclamation service, now promoted, whom we meet during the Tatooine Planetary Story. On the Republic side of things, Leeha Narezz, famous for her theory on Force-sensitive droids, is returning from the Jedi Knight Class Story. A few decorations that can be earned from the Flashpoint have also popped up in the PTS, so if you want to give your Stronghold an old, rustic feel, these will be perfect for the purpose.


Is the Augment market about to crash? It sure seems like a possibility based on a new kind of mission - that’s honestly just a roundabout way to implement a new vendor - as it seems Tech Fragments will soon be possible to be traded in for RPM-13 and OEM-37 crafting materials, which are currently the rarest and most expensive components of Augments. While the final pricing is still likely up in the air, if this new source is implemented then endgame players with nothing to burn Tech Fragments on will soon flood the market with the materials, causing the current multi-million pricing to dive sharply. We anticipate Game Update 6.3 to launch in Star Wars: The Old Republic sometime in late April to early May.

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